Monday, January 26, 2009

Photo Hodgepodge

This weekend was a mixed bag. What better way to describe it than with pictures?

Because my human babies are all grown, you get subjected yet again to dog pics. Dogs and birds, that is.

One of the more entertaining aspects of having bird feeders is watching the dogs watch the birds. And try to catch the birds. Belle is very spry, lightning fast, and has never-ending enthusiasm for chasing the feathered critters that visit. Meg is older, slower and quickly tires of chasing the birds. It appears she just decided it would be more economical from an energy standpoint to camp out below the primary bird feeder.

Meg, who is really very sweet, has quite an expressive face. Sometimes she can look grumpy, as in the above images, but really, the sun was just in her eyes.

Another thing I did this weekend was experiment with food. Back when I worked in an office, one of my co-workers and I would go to lunch at Famous Dave's periodically. They have this dish they serve which consists of beef chunks served on a baked potato. It's yummy and I have always wanted to try it. So Saturday's dinner was barbecued beef chunks on a baked potato. I cooked the beef for at least two hours, which made it super tender. And quite tasty.

As an accompaniment, I elected to make salad with Homemade Ranch Dressing (courtesy of The Pioneer Woman). Who knew homemade salad dressing could be so easy? And so delicious?

While making salad, I discovered this little gem in a container of grape tomatoes...

The delight I felt at this discovery was sort of like cracking an egg only to find a double yolk. I thrill easily.

Hubby spent most of the day Saturday working (ugh). Most of the day Sunday was spent shopping for a TV online to replace the one we had, which died suddenly on Friday. We also spent a good bit of time training Belle to come when called, which she is doing very well with I must say. She's a very smart little dog. And she's a cuddle bug.

How cuddly is she? See for yourself...

I also experimented with different ways to present photos using Photoshop. In case you didn't figure that one out for yourself.

My parents came for a visit on Saturday, too, which was nice. I didn't take any pictures, though, because I was busy preparing the barbecued beef chunks.

Sunday morning's food experiment was fried apples served over sourdough french toast. No pictures for proof, but it was really delicious.

I did some other stuff on Sunday, too, a project I am working on, but don't want to talk about and jinx myself, which involves the computer and words. Lots of words.

That pretty much sums up our weekend. I would've posted this yesterday, but I was so excited about sharing my new AVATAR that I waited until today. You'll just have to check back later to see what Monday brought.

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