I can only take so many pictures of my dogs, right? There are no leaves on the trees. Most of the flowers are dead. The natural world around the ToadMama abode is looking rather dismal.
But things are looking up. Spring is in the air. I did buy some pansies to plant yesterday. A pathetic few not worth photographing yet. Especially since it is raining.
I also bought myself a small bunch of fresh-cut carnations at the grocery store. A simple thing, really. But they are quite colorful and perky. So colorful and perky, in fact, that I was inspired to take some pics.
I embedded a little slide show here for your viewing convenience.
I hope you enjoy the images. As you look, think SPRING!
Until this weather gets a little better and warms up SPRING not in my thoughts. I love the flowers but I think some SPRING music to go along with the pictures might perk some folks to start thinking about SPRING.